Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sketchbook Fall 2009

Here are a couple pages from my sketchbook. On the second page there is the image of a man looking down reading. I drew him in a coffeeshop as I was waiting for my girlfriend to finish work, and just as I was finishing the sketch he started shooting little glares at me. I feel I captured his likeness pretty well. On a side note, this sketchbook is the Kyle/Meg Walling Wedding sketchbook from 2007. Gifts were given by the groom to all of the groomsmen, and my gift was this sketchbook.


  1. Thanks for the shout out, Pauly. Great artwork too... except for your weird fetish with Barney Frank...

  2. Cool sketches, dude. Especially your scrap stuff, which I assume is for Dynamic?
